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Journal of
Krishi Vigyan

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Journal Overview

Table of contents

iskvjournalThe journal publishes the original work carried out by the KVK scientists while working at the farmers field besides work done by the research scientists in the laboratories. Editorial board gives preference to the new ideas put forward by the extension, teaching or research faculties working in different parts of the country. This is a multi disciplinary journal and therefore, anyone can publish his or her research paper. All the papers are sent to the reviewers for comments and only after the recommendations of the referee , paper is accepted for publishing. It is an open accessed journal available at www.indianjournals.com as well as society’s website www.iskv.in. Hence, society of krishi vigyan requests all friends, seniors and colleagues to submit papers for its quick publishing.

Subscription rate:

Authors / Individuals
Annual : 
India  Rs.1500.00  |  Foreign: US $ 30
Life Membership: 
India   Rs.7500.00  |  Foreign: US $ 200

Guidelines for Authors

Writing Guidelines for Journal of Krishi Vigyan
General Suggestions
a. Complete research paper needs to be written in MS word with Times New Roman font in size 12 except title of the paper.
b. It should contain an abstract of 200 words with 4 to 7 keywords.
c. Title of the tables should be bold.
d. Name of the journal cited should be in abbreviated form and italics.
e. Volume of the issue should be bold
f. All pages need to be numbered
g. Statistical tools must be used to draw inferences from the data analysed
h. All authors are required to be the member of the society
i. There are no publishing charges or page charges, it is an open accessed journal available at www.iskv.in and www.indianjournals.com
j. Kindly check for plagiarism online and in any case it should not be more than 25 per cent.
k. Try to include one or two references from the earlier issues of the journal of krishi vigyan
l. Before writing a research paper for the Journal of Krishi Vigyan, authors are required to read earlier issues of the journal.
Before Submitting your research paper
Please follow the guidelines strictly as under in order to avoid unnecessary correspondence
1. Write title of the research paper in font size 14 with theme font Times New Roman with first alphabet in capital of each word e.g.
Design and Development of a Crop Information System for Technology Transfer
2. Below title of the paper , write name of all authors in a sequence by putting comma and do not put full stop in the initials of name e.g.
V G Sunil 1, P Sujanapal 2, Berin Pathrose3 and K Prasanth4
Give detail of super script in the end of a research paper.
3. Below author’s name, write name of the institution with PIN, where research work was carried out as well as affiliation e.g.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malappuram
Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy, Thrissur 680 651 (Kerala)
4. Whole research paper should be divided in to
Should be typed in single space with no references in its body. It should include objectives, methodology, results and conclusion in brief, each in 2-3 lines. In fact, it should be written in such a way that reader should become interested to read full research paper. Hence, make it complete in all aspects. Kindly do not repeat lines written in the introduction and conclusion of the paper. This is most important part of your research publication.
Kindly write introduction keeping in view the title of the paper and directly open the subject and include few recent references of other workers to highlight the importance and utility of your research publication.
Kindly do not write principles of the thematic area.
References should be written as ‘
For single author Ahuja (2018) or (Ahuja, 2018); Singh and Sharma (2019) or (Singh and Sharma, 2019) and
if there are more than 2 authors , write et al in italics as et al e.g. (Singh et al,2018) or Singh et al (2018).
It should be written in detail so that a reader can repeat your experiment at some other place after reading your methodology.
Do not hide anything.
Do not forget to write units such as gram. Kilogram, quintal or tone.
Give design of the experiment like RBD, CRD etc,
Give references for the methods used in estimation of various parameters.
Kindly do not write detail of the data given in Table, simply refer to the table number as (Table 1).
Highlight special finding from the data given in table and corroborate with the work of other scientist as these findings were in agreement with Singh and Ahuja (2018) or ( Singh and Ahuja, 2012; Sharma and Singh, 2014; Momi, 2018) etc.
Should include salient findings based on results obtained and proposal for near future, if any you feel deem fit.
Need to be written strictly as per style of the journal as under e.g.
Tomar R K S (2010). Maxmization of productivity for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) through improved technologies in farmer’s field. Indian J Natural Products and Res 1: 515-517.
Nain M S, Bahal R, Dubey S K and Kumbhare N V (2014). Adoption gap as the determinant of instability in Indian legume production: perspective and implications. Food Leg 27(2): 146–50.
Sharma M K ( 2015). Designing a CD-ROM for awareness about abortion in dairy animals. M.V.Sc. Thesis, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana.
• All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript. Where available, please also include contact number, email and whatsap number.
• One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address. Authors’ affiliations are the affiliations where the research was conducted.
• If any of the named co-authors moves affiliation during the peer-review process, the new affiliation can be given as a footnote.
• Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after your paper is accepted.
Suggestions/ comments on the above guidelines can be sent at

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Year: 2024 Vol: 12 Issue: 4

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