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Year: 2020, Volume: 9 , Issue: Special

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Title: Assessment of Knowledge Gain by Participants through Vocational Trainings on Fish Farming

By: Khushvir Singh*, Prahalad Singh Tanwar and Harjot Singh Sohi

  • Abstract

    The present study was conducted on one hundred and forty six participants with an aim to determine the effectiveness of fish farming vocational training programs on knowledge gain  by rural youth,farmers and farm women. The data revealed that just after completion of training, the majority of participants were having high level of knowledge (84.93%) regarding fish farming followed by 15.07% respondents having medium level of knowledge. The results clearly indicated that vocational training on fish farming was effective in enhancing the knowledge of trainees. Therefore, it can be interpreted that more number of such training programs may be organized which will be beneficial to both rural and urban participants in particular and farming community in general.

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