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Year: 2015, Volume: 3 , Issue: 2

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Title: Appraisal of Varieties and Fertilizer Use in Rice at Farmers’ Field in District Kapurthala

By: Gobinder Singh, S S Sandhu, Manoj Sharma, Gurmeet Singh

  • Abstract

    A survey was conducted to collect the information from the farmers of the district regarding input use and yield of rice varieties obtained during kharif 2014. It was noticed that farmers were growing many varieties of rice including basmati rice and some of the un-recommended varieties. Basmati variety, Pusa Punjab Basmati 1509 and non basmati variety, PR 121 was most popular however, basmati rice variety Punjab Basmati 3 resulted in the maximum gross returns during kharif 2014. Regarding urea application, it was noticed that maximum number of farmers applied urea in the range of 187.5 to 250 kg/ha to the variety Pusa Punjab Basmati 1509 and up to 250 kg/ha in case of Pusa Basmati 1121. Maximum productivity of Pusa Punjab Basmati 1509 was obtained without the application of Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertilizer, while Pusa Basmati 1121 responded to application of DAP. Non basmati varieties of rice responded positively to urea up to a range of 250 to 312.5 kg/ha.

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Title: Assessing the Performance of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) in District Virudhunagar of Tamilnadu

By: S Muthuramu, V K Paulpandi, S Sakthivel, K Ramakrishnan, R Karthik

  • Abstract

    This study was designed in order to evaluate the yield performance and market preference of three French bean varieties namely Arka Komal, Arka Suvidha and Arka Anoop in Virudhunagar district. The green pod yield was more or less similar in Arka Anoop (185q/ha) and Arka Suvidha (180q/ha) due to their yield contributing traits namely number of primary branches per plant, 4.06 and 4.18; number of green pods per plant, 16.60 and 19.08 and green pod length, 15.32 and 17.00 in Arka Anoop and Arka Suvidha, respectively as compared to farmer\\\’s choice of variety. Even though the green pod yield was recorded more in Arka Anoop, the net return and

    B: C ratio was higher in Arka Suvidha due to higher market price. Farmers realized that both Arka Anoop and Arka Suvidha were better choice of varieties in terms of yield and market price.

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Title: Assessment of Available Macro and Micro Nutrients under Sugarcane – Wheat Cropping Sequence in Different Location of Meerut and Bulandshahr Districts of Uttar Pradesh

By: Ravindra Kumar, Laxmi Kant, Manoj Singh, Pramod Kumar

  • Abstract

    The organic matter content in the soil influences almost all the component of soil which influences the crop productivity. Macro nutrient (N, P and K) and micronutrients (Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) are important soil elements that control its fertility. The soil samples of 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm depth were collected from four different locations of Meerut and Bulandshar districts under sugarcane (R)–wheat cropping sequence. The soil samples were analyzed for physico – chemical properties using standard procedure for pH and electrical conductivity, organic carbon, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium by the ammonium acetate method and available micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) in soil samples with extracted by diethylene triamine penta acetic acid (DTPA) solution (0.005M) DTPA + 0.01M CaCl2 +0.1M triethanolamine, pH 7.3. The study revealed that the soils were normal to moderately alkaline in reaction, low to medium in organic carbon, low in available nitrogen, low to medium in available phosphorus and potassium and in general sufficient in available Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn at surface soil. Correlation values revealed that soil pH has a negative correlation with Fe (r = 0.487) and Zn (r = – 0.265) and significant and negative correlation with Mn (r = – 0.679*) whereas it was positively correlated with Cu (r = 0.327). CEC of soil was negatively correlated with sand (r = – 0.560) and silt (r = – 0.140) and positively and highly significantly with clay (r = 0.897**). Available soil nitrogen was significantly and positively correlated with total N (r = 0.509*) and microbial biomass carbon (r = 0.605*).

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Title: Bottlenecks in Adoption of Feeding Practices for Dairy Animals in District Kapurthala

By: Manoj Sharma

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    The present study was undertaken to find out the bottlenecks in adoption of recommended feeding practices by dairy farmers in district Kapurthala. The data were collected through a questionnaire from a total of 200 dairy farmers. It was observed that 27.5 and 39.5 per cent of farmers were having animals between 1 to 5 and 6 to 10, respectively. On the other, 46.5 per cent farmers were keeping less than 5 lactating animals and 28 per cent were possessing between 6 to 10 lactating animals. Only 5.5 per cent farmers were keeping lactating animals more than 20. The present study revealed that poor knowledge about the nutritive value of feed ingredients (86.5%), high cost of raw feed ingredients (28%), shortage of skilled and committed labour (32.5%) were found to be major bottlenecks regarding adoption of cattle feed formulation technology at the dairy farm. Lack of awareness among dairy farmers (82%), regarding role of mineral mixture and its use followed by its non availability in villages (90%) were the main limitations in its adoption. Non availability of urea molasses mineral block (UMMB, 95%), Poor infrastructure available for milking lactating animals (92.5%), no knowledge about fodder preservation (95%) and lack of knowledge about disease symptoms (90%) were considered the major problems faced by the dairy farmers in the adoption of feeding practices in the district.

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Title: Classification and Utilization Pattern of Fruits and Vegetables Available in Papum Pare District of Arunachal Pradesh

By: H S Gangwar, P Rethy, N D Singh

  • Abstract

    Documentation of species were carried out for a period of two years (2007–09) based on the standard questionnaire to report the diversity of locally available fruits and vegetable crops in different agro-climatic regime in Papum Pare district of Arunachal Pradesh. The study revealed that a total of 36 fruit and 48 vegetable species were available in the study area. Vegetable crops were represented by 38 genera from 19 families; however, fruit crops by 21 families from 26 genera. Diversity of the species under different genera resulted that Brassica was among the most dominant genera represented by the 7 species followed by Phaseolus (3 species), Allium and Solanum (2 species each). Large number of plants were represented by the single species and contributing to 71 per cent of the total species diversity. Family diversity resulted that Rutaceae was among the most dominant (7 species) family and large numbers of families were mono-specious and contributing 47 per cent of the total species richness. However, in vegetables Brassicaceae and Cucurbitaceae were among the most dominant family and 11 families were represented by single species only. Utilization pattern of the crops revealed that large numbers of species were used as leafy components, followed by whole plats, fruits, inflorescence, rhizomes and tubers etc. Most of the fruit crops were used as fresh followed by fire wood, medicine and preparation for juice, jelly, jam, beverages etc.

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Title: Development of Agrometeorological Models for Estimation of Cotton Yield

By: K K Gill, Kavita Bhatt

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    An attempt was made to predict American cotton (Gossypium barbadense) yield over Punjab region (Ludhiana, Bathinda and Ferozepur) by regression models. Three statistical models were developed for forecasting the yield of the American cotton using the yield data and weekly weather variable viz. maximum and minimum temperature, morning and evening relative humidity, sunshine hours, rainfall and number of rainy days. In the first model (Basic model) sensitive period for American cotton yield with respect to weather parameters were identified for different weather parameters by using correlation and selected windows were taken for further regression analysis. The second model is Modified model, where composite index was taken as one of the extra variable in multiple regressions. In the third model multiple regression analysis was done by using SPSS software. Regression equations were developed separately for all the three models and were used to predict the yield of American cotton. The historical weather data for the period of 1971–2009, 1978–2009 and 2001–2009 were used to develop forecast models for Ludhiana, Bathinda and Ferozepur, respectively. The recent three year meteorological data (2010–2012) was used to validate the models. For Ludhiana, among all the three models, Basic model explained up to 69 per cent variation, modified model explained 75 per cent and the highest i.e. 89 per cent variation was explained by SPSS model. For Bathinda district, basic model, modified model and SPSS model explained 50, 57 and 68 per cent variation, respectively. For Ferozepur, basic model explained up to 67 per cent, modified model explained 68 per cent and SPSS model explained 93 per cent variation in cotton yield. The results revealed that SPSS model fits better for all the three districts as far as American cotton yield is concerned.

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Title: Effect of Calcium and Sulphur Based Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Ground Nut in Red and Lateritic Belt of Bankura District of West Bengal

By: S Das, T K Chowdhuri, A K Singh

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    Groundnut is an important crop in Bankura district of West Bengal growing in kharif season. Among the different varieties of ground nut (TAG 24, TG 37A and TG 51) TG 51 performing better over others, but still required some improvement in yield and quality. In this context, an On Farm Trial was designed to increase yield and quality of ground nut seed by application of recommended fertilizers along with some micro-nutrients for consecutive four years as the soil is deficient of micro-nutrients like Ca and S, which essential for ground nut production. It was found that Var. TG51 gave maximum yield, when the crop was supplied with NPK (20-60-40 kg/ha) in the form of Straight fertilizer Urea, SSP, MOP + 200 kg Gypsum during 30 DAS + 15 kg Sulphur during pegging and regarding quality improvement on oil content was improved by application of sulphur 25kg/ha. Seed germination was improved by application of recommended doses of NPK (20-60-40 kg/ha) in the form of composite fertilizer IFFCO-10:26:26 + 400 kg Gypsum/ha in two split doses @ 200 kg at 30 days after sowing and at the time of Flowering.

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Title: Effect of Different Packing Systems and Transportation on Physico-chemical Qualities of Carambola (Averrhoa carambola)

By: Rinku Moni Phukon, P C Barua

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    A laboratory experiment on packaging and transportation of carambola fruit was conducted in the Department of Horticulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam, For the experiment, different packages viz. plastic crate, wire bound wooden box and pallet box along with two cushioning material like paddy straw and shredded paper were used. The results revealed that the pallet box along with shredded paper as cushioning material maintained superiority over other packages in terms of shelf life and physico-chemical parameters. There was an increase followed by subsequent decrease in total soluble solids, reducing sugar and total sugar content after three days of storage with corresponding decrease in moisture content, fruit weight, colour, flavor, taste, percentage loss in weight, decay loss, core to pulp ratio, acidity, ascorbic acid, oxalic acid, crude fibre, calcium and iron content after transportation irrespective of packaging systems. The highest shelf life of six days was recorded in pallet box. The first visible effect of storage on the fruit was change in colour of skin, which turned complete yellow in three days after transportation. Percentage loss in weight (12.4%), decay loss (12.1%), moisture content(1.1%), total soluble solids (2.0%), reducing sugar(3.3%), total sugar(1.5%), acidity (2.3%) showed a considerable decrease when fruit packed in pallet box with shredded paper as cushioning material. Ascorbic acid (1.7%), oxalic acid (2.5%), crude fibre (0.66%),calcium (4.1 mg/100g) and iron (61.3 mg/100g) remained either unaffected in different packages or decreased at negligible rate.

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Title: Effect of Foliar Nutrition on Growth, Yield and Quality of Mango

By: V Krishnamoorthy, Noorjehan A K A Hanif

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    The study was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu during 2012–2013 to study the effect of foliar nutrition on growth, yield and quality of mango. The investigation was carried out in three treatments which consisted of TO1: soil application 1.0:1.0:1.5kg/tree NPK + 50kg FYM (Control), TO2: TO1 + Foliar application of sulphate of potash (SOP) at the rate of 2 percent during flowering stage, peanut size stage and third spray 15 days after second spray. TO3: TO1+Foliar application of mango special @0.5 percent recommended by the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru during June – August, November- December, peanut size and marble size stages. Different growth parameters viz. plant height, canopy height, plant spread (N-S, E-W) were not influenced significantly by foliar nutrition but found higher under treatment TO3 and lowest in TO1. Regarding fruiting parameters, the treatment TO3 resulted in low fruit drop, maximum number of fruits/panicle, longer fruit length and breadth, fruit weight, pulp weight, number of fruits per tree, fruit yield per hectare. All the fruit quality parameters were found non-significant except total soluble solids (TSS) due to application of NPK and micronutrients. TSS were found highest (22.54°brix) in TO3 treatment followed by TO2 (21.95°brix). The acidity was found lowest in TO3 and TO2 treatments and highest in TO1 but the differences were non-significant. Pulp: Stone ratio and pulp: peel ratio did not differ significantly due to foliar nutrition. However, the treatment TO3 recorded the highest and treatment TO1 lowest pulp: stone and pulp peel ratio. The shelf life of mango fruit was influenced by foliar nutrition. The TO3 and TO2 resulted in the maximum storage period (>12 days) at room temperature whereas it was 9 days in control group.

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Title: Forms of Soil Potassium as Influenced by Long Term Application of Chemical Fertilizers and Organics in Rainfed Maize-Wheat Cropping System

By: Upinder Sharma, S S Paliyal

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    A study on potassium dynamics under long term use of variable doses of imbalanced chemical fertilizers and organics in rainfed maize-wheat system was carried out in Typic Ustipsamments of low hill zone of Himachal Pradesh between rabi (2007–08) and kharif (2008) seasons in the ongoing long-term fertilizer experiment at the research farm of CSKHPKV, HAREC, Dhaulakuan. Surface soil (0-15cm) after sixteen cropping cycles was analyzed for different forms of potassium. All the fractions of potassium viz. water soluble-K, exchangeable-K and non exchangeable-K decreased from its initial status in most of the treatments. Treatments receiving K fertilizer (100% NPK) showed increase in water soluble-K and exchangeable-K fraction over the initial status. Application of FYM (Farmyard manure) in both the seasons also increased the content of water soluble-K and exchangeable-K over the initial value. In general application of FYM with chemical fertilizers showed higher content of all the fractions compared to treatments where imbalanced inorganic fertilizers were applied (100% N and 100% NP). Maximum decrease in all the fractions of K was recorded in treatment 100 per cent N followed by 100 per cent NP. Use of FYM to both crops has resulted in higher yield in case of wheat crop. Water soluble-K was the important fraction of potassium contributing towards crop yields and total K uptake.

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Title: Impact of Interventions on Knowledge and Adoption of Improved Technologies in Banana Cultivation

By: G Alagukannan, P Velmurugan, M Ashokkumar

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    Tuticorin district of Tamilnadu has the potential of growing Banana in an area of more than 11,000 ha annually under canal irrigation system. The farmers were lacking in technical knowhow about improved technologies in Banana cultivation. The present study was conducted during 2013 to ascertain the knowledge gain and adoption level of thirteen specific technologies demonstrated through various interventions during earlier years by the KVK. Tiruchendur and Alwarthirunagari blocks of Tuticorin District were taken for study and the respondents were randomly selected at the rate of 50 beneficiary farmers per block. The data were collected through personal contacts (interview) with well designed questionnaire. The data revealed that the gain in knowledge was more than 50 per cent for technologies viz., foliar application of Banana special (73%), use of bunch cover (63%), drip irrigation (62%) and application of Pseudomonas (54%). Similarly, foliar application of Banana special and soil application of neem cake and Furadon recorded the highest extent of adoption, 66 and 53 per cent, respectively. This could be due to the easiness and effectiveness of technologies in field application and yield enhancement. Though the acquisition of knowledge for the technologies like drip irrigation (85%), use of tissue culture plants (52%) and high density planting (42%) was high, the number of farmers adopting these technologies were very low i.e. 18, 11 and 5%, respectively due to the various reasons.

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Title: Impact of Training Programmes on the Gain in Knowledge of Farmers in Chatra District of Jharkhand

By: R K Singh, S K Dubey, D Oraon, V K Pandey, V P Rai, U K Singh, Z Alam

  • Abstract

    The present study was conducted purposively in Chatra district of Jharkhand as the Krishi Vigyan Kendra is catering to the needs of the farmers of the district. The data were collected from 900 respondents about the knowledge concerning improved goatry, piggery, farm mechanization, pest management in vegetables, vermicompost production, its marketing and off season vegetable and flower cultivation with the help of six structured interview schedules. The impact of training was measured in terms of gain in knowledge. The Z-value (3.96) was found significant (P<0.01) which indicated that highly significant gain in knowledge was recorded in all the fields on which the trainings were imparted. It was also revealed that the overall gain in knowledge was higher for off season vegetable and flower cultivation and vermicompost production and its marketing

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Title: Impact of Vocational Trainings on Adoption of Dairy Enterprise in South-Western Districts of Punjab

By: Bharat Singh Bhattu, A P S Dhaliwal, Satbir Singh, Gurdeep Singh

  • Abstract

    The economic contribution of livestock is quite substantial in the agricultural economy as well as in the national economy. The basic objective of all the vocational trainings is to create self employment in the dairy farming with recommended technologies of feeding, breeding, housing, disease control, management and marketing. To study the impact of vocational courses organized, three south–western districts namely Bathinda, Mansa and Sangrur of Punjab were selected. A total of 866 dairy farmers who acquired vocational trainings on dairy farming from KVK, Bathinda, Mansa and Sangrur during the year 2011, 2012 and 2013 were selected for the collection of data. The information filled in a questionnaire from the trained farmers by visiting and discussing with them personally was analyzed for adoption status in dairy enterprise. The farmers were categorized in seven categories i.e. domestic (1–2 animals), marginal (3–5 animals), small (5–10 animals), medium (10–20 animals), large (20–100 animals), commercial (above 100 animals) and others who did not adopt the enterprise. The results revealed that 24.7 per cent farmers adopted this vocation as domestic, 16.8 per cent as marginal, 11.5 per cent as small, 7.0 per cent as medium, 04.1per cent as large, and 1.9 per cent on commercial scale while 16.9 per cent did not adopt dairy farming. It was also concluded that trainings on dairy farming play a significant role in bringing improvement in the socio-economic status of the farmers.

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Title: Measure of Central Tendency and Dispersion of Test Day Milk Yield in Murrah Buffaloes

By: Sumit Kumar, Vijay Kumar, A K Chakravarty

  • Abstract

    This study utilized the information of 13,991, 10,890 and 7,001 weekly test day milk yield (WTDMY) and 3,518, 2,523 and 1,943 monthly test day milk yield (MTDMY) records of 342, 255 and 192 Murrah buffaloes calved and completed first three lactations during the period from 1990 to 2004 in the herd. The information used in the present study was collected from the history sheets and daily milk yield registers of Murrah buffaloes maintained at the Dairy Cattle Breeding Division and Livestock Farm, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal (Haryana). The mean WTDMY varied from 6.61 ± 0.04 kg in first lactation to 8.53 ± 0.07 kg in third lactation. The mean MTDMY varied from 6.85 ± 0.02 kg in first lactation to 8.68 ± 0.04 kg in third lactation.

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Title: Nitrogen Management by Using Leaf Colour Chart in Kharif Rice in Alluvial Soils of West Bengal

By: Indranil Das, Narayan Chandra Sahu

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    Rice is the most important staple food of the state of West Bengal in India. The productivity of kharif rice in the North Bengal districts is not up to the state average which might have arisen from imbalanced nutrition, more specifically nitrogen application in soil. The study was conducted for assessing nitrogen scheduling in kharif rice through soil test based and leaf colour chart (LCC) based nitrogen top dressing. In general, 9.5 to 13 per cent yield increase over the farmers’ practice was obtained through LCC based nitrogen application coupled with soil test based P and K application over the couple of years of experiment. Rice yield in soil test based fertilizer application was found to be at par with that of LCC based application. However, LCC based nitrogen application saves farmers from unnecessary use of nitrogenous fertilizers and fetches an additional income of Rs.7500/- per ha compared to farmers’ practice.

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Title: Prevalence of Major Insect Pests and Predators of Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan L.) in Middle Gujarat

By: Shakti Khajuria, A K Rai, Kanak Lata, J K Jadav

  • Abstract

    A survey was conducted on pigeon pea crop in Panchmahals district of Gujarat. A total of 3 talukas were surveyed to record major pigeon pea pests namely Spiny brown bug, Clavigralla gibbosa Spinola, Tur pod bug, Riptortus pedestris Fb., Green stink bug, Nezara viridula Linn., Aphids, Aphis craccivora Koch, Aphis fabae Scopoli, Cow bugs, Otinotus oneratus W., Oxyrachis tarandus F., Scale insect, Ceroplastodes cajani Maskell, Icerya purchasi Maskell, Mealybugs, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, Paracoccus marginatus W.& G., Coccidohystrix insolita Green, Leaf hoppers, Empoasca kerri Pruthi, Plume moth, Exelastis atomosa Walshingham, Pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera Hubner, Spotted pod borer, Maruca testulalis Geyer, Hairy caterpillars, Spilosoma obliqua Walker, Leaf webbers/folders, Grapholita critica Meyr., Blue butterfly, Lampides boeticus Linn., Blister beetles, Mylabris pustulata Thumberg, Ash/Grey weevil, Myllocerus undecimpustulatus Faust, Thrips, Megalurothrips usitatus Bagnall, Eriyophid mite, Aceria cajani Channa., Pod fly, Melanogromyza obtusa Malloch, and Termite, Odontotermes spp., Out of these pests, 9 insect species each were observed as regular and sporadic pests whereas other 2 as major and 5 as minor pests respectively. Total number of 25 insect pests species and 8 species of predators were recorded on pigeon pea crop during the period of study. The predators recorded mainly belonged to orders Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Dictyoptera, Araneida and Neuroptera.

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Title: Quality Attributes of Garden Pea (Pisum sativum L.) as Influenced by Integrated Nutrient Management Under Mid Hill Conditions

By: Swapana Sepehya, S K Bhardwaj, Sushil Dhiman

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    The present investigation was undertaken to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of pea (Pisum sativum L.) in an acid Alfisol of Himachal Pradesh using cv. Palam Priya under irrigated conditions at the experiment farm of the Department of Soil Science, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur during rabi 2006–07. The results indicated that the treatment 10 t FYM + 100 per cent recommended NPK (50:60:60 kg ha?1) gave the highest seed yield (31.6 q ha?1) which was at par with the treatment getting 10 t vermicompost + 100 per cent recommended NPK (31.5 q ha?1). It increased significantly with the application of recommended doses of NPK along with vermicompost, FYM and biogas slurry and the magnitude of increase was 34.6, 35.0 and 25.6 per cent, respectively over 100 per cent NPK alone. There was a significant improvement in total soluble solid content of pea with the application of different organics and fertilizer doses. Total and non reducing sugar content in pea seeds also significantly increased with the application of organics alone and in combination with NPK fertilizers. Maximum reducing sugar content was recorded in the treatment where recommended NPK was applied along with 10 t ha?1 of vermicompost. The highest protein and starch contents were also recorded in the treatment where 100 per cent NPK was applied along with 10 t vermicompost ha?1. Application of 75 per cent of recommended dose of fertilizer was at par with 100 per cent of recommended dose of fertilizer along with vermicompost or FYM concluding that 25 per cent of the recommended dose of fertilizer can be substituted either with vermicompost or FYM with respect to quality parameters.

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Title: Rice Productivity and Profitability Under Different Crop Establishment Methods, Plant Densities and Weed Control in North-Western Indo-Gangetic Plains

By: Simerjeet Kaur, Surjit Singh

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    The experiments were conducted at Students’ Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during summer seasons of 2009 and 2010 to study the yield and economics of rice under different establishment methods, plant densities and weed control methods. Rice was directly sown with different drills or broadcasting technique and manual transplanting. For weed control, alone pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 0.75 kg ha1 and sequential application of bispyribac sodium 0.025 kg ha?1/azimsulfuron 0.02 kg ha?1 was done along with one weed free treatment. Grain yield did not vary significantly among establishment methods and the highest benefit:cost ratio (B:C) was obtained when rice was direct seeded with the help of drills. The maximum grain yield (71.06 q ha?1) was recorded in weed free treatment which was statistically at par with sequential use of pendimethalin 0.75 kg ha?1 with bispyribac 0.025 kg or azimsulfuron 0.02 kg ha?1 applied 30 DAS. The B:C ratio increased as seed rate increases from 20 kg to 50 kg ha?1 and it was more for closer spaced direct seeded rice crop.

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Title: Role Performance in Sheep Farming Activities in Western Rajasthan: A Gender Perspective

By: M L Meena, Aishwarya Dudi

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    The present study was conducted to study the role performance in sheep farming activities in Rajasthan. The data were collected personally from 240 sheep owning farm families with the help of structured interview schedule developed for the study. In sheep farming, independent participation of women was noticed in the practices of colostrums feeding, grazing of animals, collection and disposal of pellets, feeding, watering, care of pregnant animals, care at lambing time, providing special feed to lambs and clearing of pens. Joint participation with the spouse, however was found in the activities like cleaning and grooming of animals, chaffing of fodder, care of young one immediately after birth, providing medicine and deworming of animals. Males were more involved in health care, decision making and marketing related activities. It was concluded that sheep keeping was an integrated part of livelihood of rural families. Rural women were the active workers in most of the indoor activities of sheep farming whereas male were engaged more in outdoor activities. Both men and women were managing the activities of sheep farming. Thus they may be encouraged to take sheep farming as entrepreneurial activity for better earning and sustainable livelihood.

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Title: Status of Goat Farming Practices, Knowledge and Adoption Status of Technologies in North Konkan Coastal Zone of Maharashtra

By: P M Mandavkar, A A Hanmante, M S Talathi

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    The study was conducted in Raigad district of North Konkan Coastal Zone of Maharashtra to know the status of goat farming practices the knowledge and adoption level of technologies learned during training programme by the goat keepers. Out of 542 goat breeds, 73.9 per cent were local and 25.9 per cent were improved. More than 50 per cent respondents followed semistall feeding and providing concentrate feed to goats. The respondents knowledge was found enriched in the management practices like deworming of goats (60%), feeding of colostrums to kids (60%) and use of vaccine like PPR, ET, FMD etc (56.7%). Highest increase in adoption was found in feeding of colostrums to kids (53.3%), deworming of goats (46.7%) and use of mineral mixture and concentrate feed (36.7%). Lack of open fields was the major problem reported by most (60%) of the respondents followed by lack of timely veterinary facility at the village level (50%).

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Title: Effect of Feeding Probiotic in Kuroiler Birds in Arunachal Pradesh

By: Deepanjali Deori

Title: Effect of Replacing Dung Slurry With Vermicompost in Azolla Production

By: Rakesh Thakur, Gulshan Kumar, P K Sharma, C L Chauhan, Anand Singh

Title: Management of Rhizome Rot of Ginger under Mid Hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh

By: Arti Shukla, S K Gupta

Title: On Farm Testing on Effect of Feeding Mineral Mixture and Hormonal Catalyst in Reduction of Calving Interval in Buffaloes

By: S M Soni, M V Patel

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Year: 2024 Vol: 12 Issue: 4

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