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Journal of
Krishi Vigyan

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secDr. Manoj Sharma ( Founder)
Treasurer, ISKV

Dear friends,
SKV welcomes all the scientists working in KVK system to submit the articles for publishing in the journal of our society. In order to enhance the process of submitting the papers, I hereby delineate the following themes on which the papers can be written:

  • Studying gaps in adoption of technology, identifying reasons thereof.
  • Techniques used to transfer technology and its impact on the economic status of adopters.
  • Technology assessed, refined and demonstrated on a large area and it’s after effects.
  • Conductance of training, its evaluation and impact on the trainee.
  • Constraints in the implementation of technology transfer projects and probable remedies.
  • HRD activities in the KVK.
  • Use of modern communication tools in the KVK’s implementation plan of work.
  • Strategies to make KVK more vibrant in the command area.
  • Conductance of FLDs and its adoption among farmers.
  • Limitations in the adoption of subsidiary occupations among farming community.
  • Innovative technologies evolved for the benefit of farmers / farm women.
  • SWOT analysis of KVK system.
  • Future scope of scientists working in the KVK system.
  • Methodology adopted for carrying out various activities of KVK and its success.

I am sure that now the inflow of the research articles will increase definitely.

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Current Issue

Year: 2024 Vol: 12 Issue: 4

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